About Us Page

Atsshopping is a list of the best deals,offers and coupons for people who want to save the time and stress of figuring out what to buy. Whatever sort of thing you need—Fashion,Recharge, Tour & travels and Hotels/flight etc..—we make shopping for it easy by telling you the best one to get. The site was founded in September 2016 and was acquired by The Siddhi Telecom Company in December 2016.<br /> <br /> Our recommendations are made through vigorous reporting, interviewing, and testing by teams of veteran developers and researchers. Consider us a best-of list for everyday things; a curated gallery filled with only interesting, useful objects; a thank-you note to the designers and engineers who create the stuff that makes our lives better; a geeky friend with next-level research skills who tests everything they buy so you don’t have to. The point is to make buying great deal/coupons/offers quickly easier so you can get on with living your life.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> So you focus on only the best things?<br /> <br /> We look for what we think is best for most people. We don’t look for the most feature-packed gadget, or the finest finishes in home goods. We pick the things that will fit best into the lives of everyday people who are shopping for it—and that’s what takes work.<br /> The choices we’ve made here with our team took weeks or months of research and years of experience with a wide variety of deals/coupons. In addition to our own expertise, we include interviews and data from the best editorial sources around.Most deals & coupons we choose here is top-of-the-line models that are overpriced .<br /> These are the same deals, coupons and offers we’d recommend to our friends and family, and these are the same things we’d choose for ourselve